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Property Management Services

Use Walshe’s Complete Property Management Service…
…and you can be free to enjoy the benefits of being a landlord with none of the hassle.

Having managed over 100 properties including our own portfolio, you can be reassured that your property is being managed by our highly experienced team. We have partnered with a range of trusted specialists to ensure your property is maintained to the highest standard, and work actively with you and your tenant to ensure a successful tenancy.

Our property managers

  • Have a wealth of experience coupled with up-to-date knowledge of legislation.
  • Can ensure you comply with ever-changing regulations, including gas, electricity and furnishing safety regulations.
  • We will proactively provide advice throughout the tenancy to both you and your tenant so that the terms of the agreement between you are adhered to and the property condition is maintained for the long term.

Services we offer

Here at Walshe’s Property, we offer a variety of services and pride ourselves on our ability to adapt and suit your every need. We offer a wide range of packages, such as our Full Management, Tenant Finder and Rent Collection.

We will keep you updated

  • Arranging periodic property inspections, reviewing any actions needed and sending a detailed report to you with advice on any actions you might consider.
  • You will receive monthly detailed financial statements.
  • We will notify you when the rent is deposited into your account.

We take care of repairs & maintenance

  • Tried, tested and comprehensively insured contractors available.
  • When a problem is reported, we will notify by e-mail, text or letter immediately.
  • We keep you in touch with costs and progress automatically.
  • We will let you know the cost of works before they are paid.

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